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"Never understimate the power of sitting in worship until God reveals His plans."

- Bishop Bruce Clark


Work is worship.

"Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it." - Genesis 2:15 (NASB)

The original word for cultivate is "abad," which means to work. Abad also means "worshipper." When persons shift focus from simple labor to worship while working, their product/service becomes more excellent and they improve their attitude while working. Work becomes less of a chore and more purposeful. Most importantly, they experience the joy of God's pleasure because of the heart of worship. This essence of abad is: work is worship.

It is time for believers in the marketplace to transition to abad. On Tuesdays at 5:30am, we will experience how. During this time, we will practice worship by praying through worship texts in the Bible. We will then move into a time of planning. Bishop Bruce will provide proven planning tools, rooted in Scripture, and guide participants on how to use them.

The event will be held every Tuesday in 2023 on Clubhouse, and here is how to login:

  1. Download the app and setup your free account at Note: Clubhouse works only via the app while connected to a wifi-network.

  2. Prior to Tuesday's session, Click Here and confirm that you are able to see the link to the "Abad" room. If not, send an email to

  3. Click on the button below to login from your phone, a little before 5:30am.

This is a one-of-a-kind experience for those who are serious about integrating their work and spiritual lives.  Join in on Tuesdays @5:30am.